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Kubernetes Scheduler is reposible to spread the pods to available nodes.
TODO: In which way pods are failing.
TODO: Write something about the isolation they provide.
Kubernetes resources
Everything in Kubernetes is resource and is controlled with an API. That’s really awesome and pretty much developers friendly.
Show labels
kubectl get pods --show-labels
List label as column
kubectl get pods -L app
Add additional labels
kubectl label pod <pod-name> type=special
Edit labels
kubectl label pod <pod-name> app=foo --overwrite
Add labels in order to categorize node px. disk=ssd for node that have ssd disks.
Add label
kubectl label node <node-name> disk=ssd
Delete all pods
kubectl delete po --all
Replicaton Controllers
State in Replication Controller is the number of pods.
When a RC sees more pods deletes the part of when it sees too few creates additional pods.
Scaling means declarative saying change the desire state to the contoller rather to K8s. You’re just specifying the desired state.
Delete the RC withoud deleting the pods.
kubectl delete rc <rc-name> --cascade=false
Replica Sets
Replica Sets are the same as the Replicaton Controllers but with an advance matching/selector mechanism.
It has two selectors types,
- matchLabels
- matchExpressions
- In
- NotIn
- Exists
- DoesNotExist
You can specify both selectors types and should all evaluate to true.
Creates one pod in every node. This is useful in the case where for example you want a log collector on every node.
Use node selector
in the spec.template.spec to specify which nodes to deploy pods.
Tip: Be careful if the selector finds no nodes nothing will be deployed.
Pods that don’t restart when they exit. They run once.
Schedule a pod to run at a specific time interval.
Expose a group of pods through a single IP.
kubectl expose
or with yml.
Tip: With
kubectl exec
you can remotely run command inside a container.
Clients of service can access it via enviroment variable if they have started before the service.
You can also discover services via DNS
Run bash inside a container
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> bash
Use can use name ports in the service if you have named the ports pods.
kind: Pod
- name: kubia
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
- name: https
containerPort: 8443
There a resource in between of service and pods which is called Endpoint. Decoupling service endpoints from service allows us to point to external servers.
There are three ways to expose services outside the cluster
- NodePort
- LoadBalancer
- Ingress
opens a port on each node where traffic can goes through.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kubia-nodeport
type: NodePort
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
nodePort: 30123
app: kubia
adds a load balancer in front of nodes in the case of node failure.
NOTE: Pods are included as endpoints of a service if their labels match the service’s pod selector.
If a readiness check fails does not kill the pod. This an important difference from liveness.
Tip: Check for connectivity for readiness ex. app -> database server
NOTE: Changing a replication controller template has no effect on the running pods.
On readiness success pods will be added to the EndPoints
TIP: Always include a readiness even if it’s a simple one. Do not include readiness when app is deleled or stopped.
Volumes share the same lifecycle as the pod.
TODO: What’s the difference between Servive and NodePort?
TODO: How will I share volume paths between Win and Mac
NOTE: PersistentVolumes don’t belong to any namespace. They’re cluster-level resources like nodes.
Claims can only be used by pods in the same namespace.
Dynamic volumes with storage classes.
Passing values to pods with
- Command-line arguments
- Enviroment variables
- Configuation files with a special type of volume ex. gitRepo
Passing data down to the pod with the Downward API
this command change the image of any resource that has containers (rc, rs, deploy etc.)
kubectl set image deployment kubia <name>=<image>
A rollout occurs only when a change to pod template have been made.